Raw provider : Audio Erotica
Translator and Editor : Kidneys
Proofread : Audio Erotica
This Saturday's release is filled with hardcore lolitas, manipulated sex, saving the world, beating your masochist sister, and of course yuri. :]
I think it's funny how most of the yuri series revolve around a religious school and the irony behind that is that it's a sin to have a same sex relationship. Or so all those priests, Christian religion, your good old loving moms, and everyone else say. And it is also an irony that proper attire is required in a religious school, and yet these lovely otome 5's clothing are in such uninhibited detail that it would cause God and Virgin Mary to hit the bucket.
Nevertheless, this series is quite amusing and entertaining in its own way. I wonder where the author got the concept for gothic lolita and saving the world from... whatever it is they are fighting. *shrugs*
I should create my own Otome Senshi Lovely 5 too. We can scanlate yuri goodies together!! Come come children, let's dress up in gothic outfit and save the world (by scanlating yuri)!! Drop a line at leleburger (at) hotmail (dot) come if you're interested. =D