Wings of Yuri
- Shoujo Ai Forums
- The Yuri imageboard of the infamous 4chan.
- Dynasty Scans, look for their Yurihime S releases!
- Yurizuki, a collection of yuri translations in text form.
- Ichigo Aji Yuri Tendou, another Yuri Blog
- Shurei's Yuri doujin and anime collection
- SankakuComplex, an interesting news site with some yuri doujins and other things.
- Towering Man's Gallery
- Yuri no Boke, a yuri review blog.
- Okazu, the blog of Erica Friedman, president of Yuricon and ALC Publishing.
- Yuricon: Yuri database and links to online purchases. (I have NO relation to the Yuriko of this website)
- RawYuri.blogspot
- Link List