Happy New Year, people! Here's a Tsundere News update for people wondering what's going on.
Less Fortunate News:
Tenbin: Dolor seems to be missing in action. I'm waiting for the ch3 and ch4 edits before I start 5. Every now and then she gives me a status update. Hope she is doing well.
Rakka: I'm in the process of starting chapter 9. I bet Kite already has the edits for 7 and 8 done.
Nova: Yi dropped Nova. I'm putting it on hold for now, and I shall return to it someday soon. I'll work on getting a full volume 2 script, then I'll post it for whoever wants to do it.
Keika: Audio Erotica is having some technical issues and editing has become tricky. I'll give you an update when she's back in action. Chapter 3 is translated, I'm starting 4, and she will edit 3 when possible.
Keika mini update: some people may not like chapter 3, so I am releasing 3 and 4 together.
More Fortunate News:
Candy Boy 3 is translated! Yi is editing right now. I made Candy Boy a priority, so at least that was done on time.
Comic Lily: Sent a one shot translation to... BEOTKKOT! She's back! Audio Erotica is going to scan more of it, and I'll see about getting more one shots from it done. (Just the ones Lililiscious aren't doing, I haven't seen any other groups say they were working on it. If someone is, please contact me. FYI: We did the chapter titled "Angel Drop" first.)
And Hanabira:
Hanabira 3 is progressing very slowly. The script is broken up into 15 "chapters", and I barely have some progress on the first one. I will say this: it IS going to take way more than a month.
Keep in mind everyone that I am only one translator, and I may have taken on more projects than I should have.
My classes begin again on the 25th. I have two weeks to pull an overtime and see just how much I can translate. Looking for a second job may cut into that, but who needs sleep, right? Wish me luck!